What to Look for
Ants In Large Numbers
If you’re seeing more than just a few ants here and there, you may have an infestation. Large numbers of ants in a particular area (such as the kitchen) usually means that there is a nest nearby. Nests can generally be located by following the train of ants to the source.
Outside, ant nests can look like a small mound of dirt or sand, with a few ants moving around the top. This can be deceiving, as there is often thousands hidden in the colony underneath. Indoors, ant nests can generally be found in hidden places like wall or floor cavities.
When a food source is found, ants will lay down a pheromone trail between the food and the nest. This is when you will see a neat trail of ants running in single file.
No Food Is Safe
If you have never had a pest problem before, you may be accustomed to leaving food out on the bench or in unsealed containers or packaging in the pantry. If you have an ant problem in your home, you will notice them getting into anything they can – not even the dog’s food is spared.
Pavement Damage
Some species of ant will remove small amounts of soil from concrete or brick paving in the construction of their nests. While the initial effect of this may seem miniscule, over time it can cause the pavement to crack or subside.
Plant Damage
In the garden, ants can make their nest near the base of small trees or shrubs, which can eventually grow so large that they uproot the plant. In addition, ants collect planted seeds which will prevent germination and can lead to a bare looking garden.