What to Look for
Flea Dirt
Often when you’re combing your pet, you’ll see flea dirt (flea faeces) more often than the fleas themselves, as they are always crawling or jumping out of sight. Flea faeces looks like small grains of black pepper and it is often found stuck on your pet’s skin or littered about their sleeping area.
Pets Scratching
If just the thought of fleas is enough to make your head itchy, then think of your poor pet when they’re being bitten all over – no wonder they’re scratching like mad!
Bites On Humans
Flea bites come in the form of small, red and itchy papules or wheals. They will usually bite humans around the feet and lower legs, at any time of day, unlike mosquitos which usually bite after sunset and can attack any exposed part of the body. Flea bites are also smaller than mosquito bites and don’t often sting and itch straight away.
There Is Never Just ‘One Flea’
If you have seen a flea on your pet’s coat, it is very unlikely that it came without an entourage. Take a closer look – there are sure to be more. Fleas tend to attack specific areas of their hosts, so check the hind-quarters of your dog and the head and neck area of your cat