- Roof Void
- Subfloor (if you have one)
- Inside your home
- Full Exterior
- Garage (inside and out)
- Carport
- Garden shed
Best Spider Pest Control Service in Adelaide
Spiders commonly found in the
Canberra ACT Area
We kill many sorts of bugs including roaming, ground-staying and circle-weaving assortments. Free your home of Spiders for as long as 12 Months! We don’t simply treat where you see a bug, we treat all singular trouble spots around your home, this guarantees the most far-reaching treatment is completed without fail.
This convenient aide will assist you with perceiving the species that are probably going to be found in Canberra, which species are residing in your home and all the more significantly, whether or not they are hazardous to you, your family and your pets. Our pest control services in Adelaide provide the best pest-control spider treatment to deliver you a pest free peaceful home.

Best Spider Pest Control Service
Spotless spider treatments What’s Involved?
- Fences
- Clothesline
- Outdoor furniture
- Pergola’s and Decks
- Kids’ play equipment
- Mailbox
- Garbage Bins
Yearly maintenance
We provide a 6 month warranty on our Spider 10 Pest Treatment – as a rule however, you should get up to 12 months out of our treatment.
We will remind you in advance every year to let you know that your treatment is due. By treating your home every year, you will find that the treatment wont give pests a chance to breed up and you will just get used to living without them!
Preparation Steps for Spider Pest Control
- Close all windows and external doors. Open curtains & blinds.
- Put away or cover any exposed food like fruit bowls as well as toothbrushes.
- Don’t leave clothes on the clothes line (we spray the line for spiders).
- If you have small children, put away toys or things likely to go in mouths.
- If you have pets; dogs, cats, birds etc, we suggest they be out of house for the same period as yourself. Ideally take them with you, particularly dogs if they are nervous or savage. Remove or up turn their food & water dishes.
- For indoor fish, cover the tank with glad wrap & switch off the filter.
- We do not spray aviaries, chook pens or near fish ponds.
- Unlock anything we will need access to, such as subfloor door, garden sheds, garage, side gates, etc.
- We specifically ask you to have your car out of the garage or driveway before we arrive & leave it in the street to allow full access and to avoid delaying the technician.
- We run to a very tight schedule so we will be there on time (allow 5 minutes for traffic), Please ensure you are 100% ready to go by the appointment time.
- We ask you to be out of the house for at least 1 hour after inside treatment is completed. We will advise you if any longer is required.
- If you regularly clean your windows, don’t clean them for 2 weeks after the treatment, because the treatment will keep working.
- Ideally leave any cobwebs for two weeks and then brush them away.
- When you return, open all the windows to let fresh air in.
What to Look for
They come in many forms including: orb-shaped, funnel-shaped, or even an untidy mass of silk in a dark corner. Moist environments can attract certain spiders, especially if they are dark, since most spiders are nocturnal. If you have a damp basement, attic or shed, you should check it regularly for webs and crevices where they might be hiding.
Many spiders do not live in webs, instead they build burrows in the ground lined with silk — you may notice that some have a small dirt or silk trapdoor beside the entrance.
Egg Sacs
Spiders lay their eggs in silk sacs affixed to their web or burrow, or carried around by the female. If you see one of these sacs, it is a sign that there will soon be more spiders around.
Cracks & Crevices
Some spiders are nomadic and reside neither in webs or burrows, instead choosing to take refuge in dark crevices in your home. If you have seen a huntsman or white-tailed spider for instance, they may be hiding under your floorboards or in your walls.
Plenty Of Insects
Spiders generally prey on other insects, so if there is an abundance of insects like ants, flies, woodlice or moths in and around your home, it is likely that spiders will be drawn to the area.
Live Or Dead Spiders
In general, the spiders you are seeing are only a small portion of the rest that are hiding in your home. If you are seeing the same species of spider as regularly as once a week, then you have an infestation.
Handy Tips & Tricks
Seal up your house
Use a sealant like caulk to seal up cracks and crevices around windows, skirting boards, floor boards and loose electrical outlets. Eliminate other entry points by replacing torn window and door screens.
Keep It Clean
By simply cleaning the surfaces in your house regularly and removing any cobwebs, you can discourage further infestation. In addition, by de-cluttering your home and shed you are removing any shelter or hiding places for spiders.
Turn off the lights
Spiders are not attracted to light, but their prey is. Leaving your outside light on at night will attract insects like moths and flies, which in turn will lure spiders to the area.
Keep plants away from the perimeter of your house
Spiders’ natural habitat is amongst vegetation, therefore many will make their home in your garden and if there are trees, shrubs flowerbeds, or piles of grass clippings or leaves surrounding your house, they will have easy access to the inside through any available cracks or crevices.
Let the pets loose
Pets, cats especially, will enjoy chasing and hunting down spiders. They will also do a good job of scaring the spiders off fast, but a word of warning, be very careful of which type of spider you are dealing with.
Best Spider Pest Control Service
Frequently Asked Questions
This will depend on which pest is being treated. We focus our treatments on the places that pests live and breed even where you can’t see them. Depending on the type of pest, these areas can include roof voids, sub floors, full external treatments in & around the home, garages, sheds, pergolas, any structural areas, inside your home (skirtings, cornices, window & door frames). These internal treatments are kept well away from contact with you.
We recommend that you have our Spider Comprehensive treatment (which includes cockroaches, silverfish, clothes moths, earwigs and slaters) every 6 to 12 months. This will ensure longevity & not give pests a chance to breed up. If you notice a pest infestation at your home, contact us ASAP before it becomes a larger problem.
Refer to our spider identification guide to find out which species of spider you have a problem with. Some of the most commonly found species in Canberra include the Redback, White-Tailed, Huntsman, Black House & Wolf Spiders.
In general, the spiders you are seeing are only a small portion of the rest that are hiding in your home. If you are seeing the same species of spider as regularly as once a week, then you have an infestation. Check ‘Signs of a spider infestation’ in the advice section above for more telltale signs.
No, spiders can’t burrow into walls. They can, however, go into cracks or holes that are already in the wall.
There are a few things you can do yourself to discourage a spider infestation around your home. These include simple habits like turning off outside lights, cleaning and moving plants away from the outside walls. For more information on what you can do, read the handy tips and tricks in the advice section above.
The simple answer is Yes. When we use pesticides or baits, we select formulations with the lowest toxicity available & apply these products where pests breed and live, not where you can come into contact with them.
Yes, however we have some basic precautions you must take, including having them away at the treatment time and ensuring all food and water bowls are upturned or removed from treatment areas prior to treatment.
Often you may simply need to stay out of the house for a little longer than usually needed. There are however, many different products and techniques we can use to control pests. If you or any member of your family suffers from asthma or is sensitive to chemicals, please let us know, or seek medical advice.
Once all the necessary preparations have been made, the time the treatment takes will depend on factors such as the size of your home and difficulty as well the severity of an infestation. Simply ask one of our friendly staff at the time of booking and they will give you a close estimation.
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